In 1930, Troop Le Loi, the first Scouting unit, was formed in Vietnam.
In 1957, the Vietnamese Scouting community officially became a member of the World Scout Organization.
At the end of the Vietnam War on April 30, 1975, the Vietnamese Scouting Movement ceased to exist as Vietnamese Communists seized its headquarters. Many Scout leaders and members fled to other countries in search for freedom. Amidst the hardship faced by all Vietnamese refugees, scouting units were once again established right in refugee camps to continue their humanitarian tasks and educational efforts.
In 1983, the International Central Committee of Vietnamese Scouting (ICCVS) was formally established after the Scouting convention held in Costa Mesa, California. There are five countries with presence of the Vietnamese Scouting community: the United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, and France. Specifically in the United States, Vietnamese Scouting is divided into four operating regions, which report to ICCVS-the Eastern, Central, North Western, and South Western Regions.
Today, there are over 6,000 Vietnamese American Scouts registered in 78 different Vietnamese Scouting groups (Multi-level units aka Liên Đoàn) in the United States. Since 1983, ICCVS has successfully organized 11 International Jamborees in an effort to unite all Vietnamese Scouts to share their culture and most memorable scouting experiences.
-Là một tổ chức quốc tế vô vị lợi.
-Tiếp nối của phong trào Hướng Đạo Việt Nam được hình thành từ năm 1930.
-Góp phần giáo dục và tạo môi trường sinh hoạt lành mạnh cho giới trẻ bằng phương pháp giáo dục Hướng Đạo.